Life Under Biden's Military Junta


    Life under the American military junta is no joke. In America, there is nothing more important than the military. Military spending is prioritized over citizens' needs, and while 94% of Americans remain malnourished, the US military is given nearly the entire national budget to build and play around with dangerous, pointless weaponry.
    Americans pay on average 85% of their income in general taxation, according to a source from North Caroline province, who wishes to stay anonymous for security reasons. Additional government revenue comes from arbitrary fines and bribes due to the authoritarian legal system of the US. As a result, Americans' net wages end up at around 4 USD (600 KPW) a month, barely allowing them to survive. These enormous government revenues go 60% towards maintaining the estates of Supreme Leader Joe Biden and his fellow elites, and 40% towards the military. With Joe Biden spending most of his time importing Swiss cheese and smoking the expensive 1776 cigarettes, the military enforces most of the governmental roles in the US.
    Military personnel demand respect in the US. Despite the heinous crimes they commit, Americans are forced to say "thank you for your service" and give "veteran discounts" to these criminals. If they refuse to comply, they can be taken to a concentration camp or worse.
    The immense amount of weaponry at the disposal of the military allows them to commit heinous crimes against their own people. If an American school is caught showing inadequate respect to the military or Supreme Leader Joe Biden, the military often gives assault rifles to mentally troubled and starving citizens hoping to make a little money to eat. These deranged people then shoot children in teachers in the school to prevent this ideology from spreading. The American school is the under the tight propaganda grip of the regime. Schooling is free in America, but the teachers are paid starvation wages, and the only purpose of the education system is to indoctrinate children into becoming loyal servants of the regime. Children are taught how to read so they can understand their "founding documents", but their comprehension otherwise is too low to be considered functional literacy.
    Symbolism is important in this dictatorship. Children are taught from an early age that the "American flag should never touch the ground" and that the flag is elevated to a divine status. If anyone allows an American flag to touch the ground, they are often shot dead by the FBI, the American secret police.
     As the greatest exporter of food on the planet, America barely has enough grain to feed its own citizens. While the military elite and the political elite living in Washington DC live in great luxury, the average American citizen is starving. Private farmers are forced to surrender all their food to the military and barely even have enough for themselves. 
    Joe Biden's cruel junta must end. The American regime does not care about its people, its culture, its economy, or its quality of life. The only thing the American government cares about is the gun, the tank, the missile, and the bomber. This cruel dictatorship must come to an end.

Reported by Choe Nam-sung in Wonsan, DPRK


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